Forum Terms of service
Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.
The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.
In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.
Your personal data. By registering on this forum, you agree that it may collect some of your personal data. This data collection is done either through the information you provide us, or through the use of the services itself, for technical data used for the forum proper functioning. You can access, modify or delete your data at any time. Users under 16 years old certify that they have obtained the consent of their legal guardian in order to proceed with this registration. For more information, please read our privacy policy.
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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.We, the staff, would like to keep this community clean, but we need your help: just read and follow the rules, and tell others if they did something against the rules, it'll be better for that person, and for you.Please note: Consistently breaking rules, or gaining warnings, will lead to different levels of ban. Please refrain from doing anything that will get you in trouble.General Forum Rules- When you post, please make it in the relevant forum. We don't mind screwing around a bit, but consistently posting in the wrong forum may result in a warning.- Please do not flame, abuse, insult, etc, other members. This absolutely will not be tolerated, and will result in a warning.- Do not criticize staff members for what they do, or tell them how to to their job. They are with the staff because of what they do and their decisions, and this will also not be tolerated whatsoever.- Do not send support requests to anybody unless they invite you to. All help requests should be posted under Feedback or Graphics Help (depends on what the problem is).- Do not act like a replacement for one of the staff. This is one of the major categories of identity fraud, and you will be warned. Sure, if a member needs help, you have full rights to help them out, it's just that overdoing it is the problem.- Do not post worthless or little to no content posts. (Hi, sup, lol, haha, etc)- Advertising, spamming, and trolling is not allowed. Speak to a staff member about advertising a forum/blog/website, preferably the Admin.- Please, post in English.- When making a new topic, please be clear about the content of the topic. This will help members know what they should be expecting, what it is about, and if the topic is long-lost, it helps with Search.Graphics Rules- Stick to appropriate pictures. No racism, pr0n, and related stuff.- Post your designs in the appropriate forums.- Absolutely no ripping. This will do nothing but reward you with a ban and a reference to other GFX sites.- Do not post anything over 800x600 pixels. If your picture IS over that size, upload it as a thumbnail, or resize your image.Signature Rules- If the content in your signature is too big, it will be either removed or we will PM you to notify you.- Absolutely has to be setup from your Profile control panel (cannot be manually added to every post).- May not contain any sales, products, etc, unless authorized by Admin.- Keep your signature to yourself. Do not sell it, rent it, or reward it for somebody else's use.- Graphics Rules apply with the Signature Rules at ALL TIMES.If you think that we have left something important out, please PM a staff member and tell them what we're missing. If you see somebody who has broken one of those rules (and it has not been seen yet), please notify the staff immediately.